Monday, July 12, 2010

Boating permits

Well, there I was zipping thru some internet screens, and there pops up an ad to "Avoid the $250 fine!" by getting your boating permit. Wow. Nice to know the gov't is "looking after me".

Somehow, people on this planet of ours have been slogging about in boats and ships and canoes and kayaks and longboats etc., etc. for maybe 12- or 15-thousand YEARS!!
SUDDENLY, people should not throw their very lives into jeopardy by setting foot in a boat without having that magical, life-enhancing permit stashed in their back pocket.
Give me a break.... please...... either arm......

Have we, as a human species, become so intellectually and physiologically RETARDED that we require a permit for simply hopping into a canoe and paddling about in the pond for awhile? Are we now that intrinsically STUPID that sitting in a foot-pedal boat and putzing around in a pool threatens us with imminent death? Is it fair to assume we have become total HASH-BRAINS that cannot, without a shiny little ego-booster in our pockets, intelligently guide a motorized watercraft thru waters in which ANOTHER BOAT OR TWO might also be occupying simultaneously??!!
I guess we are.
We have become RETARDED enough that we can no longer perceive our government mollycoddling the most infantile of our adult species into a complacent stupor;
We have become STUPID enough that we don't see to care even when we see it happen;
And we are now seemingly HASH-BRAINED to a state that blinds us to the ever-increasing levels of control the government continues to extend into every freakin' facet of our lives!!
Although the human race has somehow survived tens of thousands of years far better WITHOUT the intrusion of leaders and statesmen who seek to control for their own profit, we still acquiesce to someone telling us how to exercise everything that we have become too lazy to take responsibility for.

And, let's face it... Western humanity HAS become stupefied to a considerable degree.
Even fifty years ago, if you were operating your boat like a jackass and thumped some other chap's boat with yours, he immediately hopped over onto your boat and punched your lights out for a few minutes. When you came to, you realized that driving in a more responsible manner will lead to less pain and a whole lot more respect from those around you.
NOWADAYS, puerile 30-something males with the emotional development of spoiled four-year-olds jump into high powered boats that they have no training for, and try to execute moves like they saw recently in the latest James Bond movie. And, after they crash their boat into some other unlucky schmuck's boat, the developmentally crippled 30-something immediately calls his lawyer to SUE to other guy for stupidly having his boat right where mister It's-All-About-ME was senselessly driving thru a crowded area.

And the worst part about this scenario? Mr. ME will probably win the lawsuit! And more likely because he struck first and hardest, and can afford lawyers who could get him out of jail even if he was caught red-handed murdering a nun.

Hmmm.... given THOSE kinda circumstances, I get we really should let the government baby-sit us.... it's obvious that people who should be taking care of this stuff have neglected it so long that we no longer really deserve to be able to act intelligently, think rationally, and reap the rewards.
Besides, I'm sure the gov't needs the taxable proceeds from sales of the damn permits anyway.